Sunday, 16 November 2008

November 08

Well, I did not intend to start a Blog.
I just tried to "login" to my friend Franc's blog, as I thought there may be some benefit to "logging in".
Next minute it looks like I now have a blog of my own....don't know who might see it, and just as importantly who might WANT to see it!

Therefore I will try to use it to my advantage and let you all know that if you need a nice bright quiet 2 bedroom garden flat near to Seven Sisters tube at a great price of £220 pw I HAVE ONE.
It will appear on Rightmove in the next couple of days - key words to search will be 2 bedrooms, Seven Sisters, and of course make sure price bracket encompasses £220.

1 comment:

Don said...

I clicked on your flats to let link and nothing happened.